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Parsing a vCard

  • In this part of the tutorial, we will parse Simon's vCard, which we created in the first part of the tutorial.

  • Let's import the parse function, which we will use.

    import { parse } from "vcard4";
    const { parse } = require("vcard4");
  • Assuming you wrote the vCard to disk, let's import fs (part of node's api) and read it.

    import fs from "fs";

    const contact = await fs.promises
    .then((contact) => contact.toString());
  • We have converted the contact buffer into a string because parse only accepts strings.

  • To parse the contact, we just pass it to parse!

    const parsedContact = parse(contact);
  • parse returns an object. Logging parsedContact to the console reveals it.

> console.log(parsedContact);

parsedVcard: [
{ group: null, property: "FN", parameters: {}, value: "Simon Perreault" },
group: null,
property: "N",
parameters: {},
value: {
familyNames: "Perreault",
givenNames: "Simon",
additionalNames: "",
honorificPrefixes: "",
honorificSuffixes: ["ing. jr", "M.Sc."],
{ group: null, property: "BDAY", parameters: {}, value: "--0203" },
group: null,
property: "ANNIVERSARY",
parameters: {},
value: "20090808T1430-0500",
group: null,
property: "GENDER",
parameters: {},
value: { sex: "M", gender: "" },
{ group: null, property: "LANG", parameters: { PREF: "1" }, value: "fr" },
{ group: null, property: "LANG", parameters: { PREF: "2" }, value: "en" },
group: null,
property: "ORG",
parameters: { TYPE: "work" },
value: "Viagenie",
group: null,
property: "ADR",
parameters: { TYPE: "work" },
value: {
postOfficeBox: "",
extendedAddress: "Suite D2-630",
streetAddress: "2875 Laurier",
locality: "Quebec",
region: "QC",
postalCode: "G1V 2M2",
countryName: "Canada",
group: null,
property: "TEL",
parameters: { VALUE: "uri", TYPE: ["work", "voice"], PREF: "1" },
value: "tel:+1-418-656-9254;ext=102",
group: null,
property: "TEL",
parameters: {
VALUE: "uri",
TYPE: ["work", "cell", "voice", "video", "text"],
value: "tel:+1-418-262-6501",
group: null,
property: "EMAIL",
parameters: { TYPE: "work" },
value: "",
group: null,
property: "GEO",
parameters: { TYPE: "work" },
value: "geo:46.772673,-71.282945",
group: null,
property: "KEY",
parameters: { TYPE: "work" },
value: "",
{ group: null, property: "TZ", parameters: {}, value: "-0500" },
group: null,
property: "URL",
parameters: { TYPE: "home" },
value: "",
properties: [Getter],
propertiesWithoutParameters: [Getter],
propertiesWithParameters: [Getter],
getProperty: [Function: getProperty],
groups: [Getter],
getGroup: [Function: getGroup],
repeatingProperties: [Getter],